
This week in P.E.

Wet Day Activity Year 1/2

It’s no secret that our Monty students would MUCH prefer a run-around under sunny skies each week in PE. However, sometimes, there is not a lot we do about the weather. Good thing our 1/2 students are so incredibly resilient! When faced with rainy days this term, students have explored Friendships by ‘Think, Pair, Sharing’ their thoughts on ‘What is a good friend?’. We brainstormed all of the qualities we appreciate in our friends such as fun, silly, caring, kind, helpful, thoughtful, inclusive, accepting and  supportive. Friends love us, listen to us and laugh with us. We turned these words into beautiful cards to be surrounded by in our quiet classroom spaces. When hit with another week of rain, we asked an equally important question, ‘How can I be a good friend?’ We also had a big giggle listening to a Peppa Pig story about jumping in mud puddles and played a Peppa Pig Friendship board game with friends. Just look at those happy, friend-ly faces!

Newsletter ~ PE Term 4 ~ Fireball Tennis Clinics Year F-6

With beautiful sunny skies, what a great week for tennis in PE! The amazing coaches from Fireball Tennis ran clinics across all year levels, keeping students moving and having fun. We played Tennis Traffic Lights, tried our hand at tennis tricks and jumped straight into mini-matches across our own court. Tennis will continue to be the focus over the next couple of weeks as we improve hand-eye coordination, improve footwork & movement, develop forehand and backhand striking skills and learn the finer points of the game. And, no better time to learn tennis than ahead of the summer holidays!

Finally, the Christmas Cricket season is upon us! 

Our little legends have tackled fielding, batting and bowling in preparation for some backyard or beach cricket over the holidays.

While catching & throwing with a partner and playing ‘Pepper’, we’re using our ‘diamond hands’, ‘pinky-touch’ or ‘grass hands’ - ask us about it and we can show you! We’ve applied our earlier tennis experience to our batting by turning side–on and swinging low to high to connect with the cricket ball - SMACK! And, our bowling has improved out of sight in a very short time by becoming little Starfish - big Starfish - and, Rock & Roll Starfish!

A big shout out to the wonderful Year One & Two students for having-a-go at new things with such great enthusiasm and positivity over the past few weeks. We know that if we don’t try, we’ll never know if we like it. And, we only get better each time we try!