Grade 2 Students 

Celebrating our terrific Twos!


2A - Mr E

What an exciting time of the year! With so much going on, it is hard to keep track of everything in 2A! We have been busily preparing for 2023, with lots of discussions around change, how we feel, and understanding that we all might be feeling different ways, so it is important to be patient with each other. This week we have been getting into the Christmas spirit by making decorations to hang in our room. We also welcomed two naughty elves into our classroom who have been having a great time hanging from the ceiling and hiding in our room. Not long to go now, and our Grade 2s will be big Grade 3s!


2B - Miss Bailey


After such a busy week of swimming, 2B decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather last week and complete some of our Resilience Project book outside. We took our pencils and supplies and headed to the oval to soak in some sun. We completed some mindfulness by looking up at the clouds and seeing what pictures we could make out of them. We then drew what we saw in our books. It was a lovely way to help us relax after a busy and exhausting week.

Esti C
Esti C
Xanthe F
Xanthe F

2C - Mr K

Grade 2C wrote the most amazing persuasive letters to Santa, convincing him to allow us to have an Elf in our room. We have enjoyed searching the room to see where and what the elf has been getting up to each morning.