Upcoming Dates

Tuesday 31st January - First Day of School for Students


Monday 6th February - College Swimming Sports (held at Aquanation)


Wednesday 8th to Friday 10th February - Year 7 Camp 


Friday 10th February - Year 7 Welcome Presentation & BBQ for families


Monday 13th February - College Photos, Student Leadership Assembly 


Tuesday 14th February - Parent/Teacher Interviews


Tuesday 21st February - Photo Catch-Up Day


Wednesday 22nd February - Senior School Sport


Monday 27th February - Intermediate School Sport


Friday 3rd March - Mullum Swimming Event


Wednesday 8th March - Year 7 Sport


Monday 13th March - Labour Day Public Holiday


Monday 20th to 24th March - Year 8 Camp


Friday 31st March - Year 8 Sport


Wednesday 5th April - Year 7 Immunisations


Thursday 6th April - Last day for Term 1


Friday 7th April - Good Friday Public Holiday