Religious Education News

From the writings of Mary MacKillop
Happy indeed is the love of God and
the true religious peace I wish will be yours.
Mary MacKillop 1899
Weekly Parish Bulletin
2nd Sunday in ADVENT, YEAR A
Christmas Events Schedule 2022
Bingara ~ Wednesday, Dec 14 at 10.30 am
Warialda ~ Saturday, Dec 17 @ 5 pm
Delungra ~ Sunday, Dec 18 Before & After 10 am Mass
Christmas Mass
Delungra Dec 24 @ 6 pm Bingara
Dec 25 @ 8 am
Warialda Dec 25 @ 10 am
End-of-Year Parish Dinner
The End-of-Year Parish Dinner will take place in our school hall on Saturday the 10th of December after the 6 pm Vigil Mass. Please see me or Fr Thaddeus for further details.
The Second Week of Advent - Year A
Last weekend we celebrated the 2nd Sunday of Advent with readings from Cycle A, the Gospel of Matthew. The word Advent comes from the Latin advenio, "to come to," and refers to the coming of Christ. At Christmas, we celebrate Christ's birth and also the coming of Christ in our lives through grace and the Sacrament of Holy Communion. We are reminded of His Second Coming at the end of time.
The First Sunday of Advent is symbolised by the “Prophet’s Candle”, which is purple, a sign of Hope reminding us that Jesus is coming. The Prophet’s Candle also reminds us of the Old Testament, where people foretold the coming of the Messiah.
Other Advent Symbols
Advent Wreath: The Advent wreath is full of symbols of our Catholic faith. The wreath shape is circular and has no beginning or end. It symbolises the eternity of God and the everlasting life found in Christ.
Greenery - the greenery of the Advent wreath symbolises continuous life.
Candles - the four candles represent the weeks of Advent. The three purple candles symbolise the prayer, penance and good works we try to do during Advent. The pink candle is lit on the third Sunday of Advent and stands for rejoicing, hope and expectation of the birth of Jesus. We light candles for Advent because Christ is the light of the world. A white candle is placed in the centre of the wreath to represent Christ and this candle is lit on Christmas Eve.
End Of Year - Year 6 Graduation Mass
We invite our families and friends to our End of Year Mass which will be held in the church at 11:30 am on Thursday the 15th of December. All are welcome. This will be the Year 6 Graduation Mass for Charlie and Winter as well as a farewell for Mr Smith and myself.
Vinnies Gift Hampers
We have ordered five Christmas Hampers from Food Bank instead of collecting non-perishable food items for the annual Vinnie’s Christmas Appeal. These have been given to Kay Power at St Vincent de Paul. The children will have a mufti-day (casual clothes) on Friday the 16th of December and are asked to bring in a gold coin donation.
Congratulations to Harper Findlater and Lauren Bates who were baptised on Sunday the 27th. They are now welcomed into the Christian family.
Penance and First Holy Communion
St Joseph's will be offering the Sacrament of Penance in Term 1 2023 and First Holy Communion in Term 2 2023 to coincide with the feast of Corpus Christi in June.
God bless you and keep you safe.
Joe Dimech
Religious Education Co-ordinator