Term 4 Dates
Term 4
Tues 6 Final Kinder 2023 Transition Day
Wed 7 Charlie and Winter's last High School Transition Day
Mathew Mills (incoming principal) visit 1-3 pm then
Meet and Greet from 2:30 - 3:30 pm
Thurs 8 CSO Director Chris Smyth school visit 9 -10 am
Fri 9 Semester 2 Reports sent out through COMPASS
Children can exchange Christmas cards
Sat 10 End of Year Parish Dinner after the 6 pm vigil Mass
Warialda Christmas Carnival
Sun 11 3rd Sunday of Advent Year A
Mon 12 - Coffs Harbour Camp for Years 4-6
Wed 14
Mon 12 Picnic at Cranky Rock K-3
Tue 13 Tenpin Inverell K-3
(Bowling, Climb and Slide and nuggets and chips lunch)
Wed 14 Morning tea and play at Captain Cook Park K-3
Thurs 15 End-of-Year Events
Year 6 Graduation Mass 11:30 am
Light Lunch Under the COLA 12:30 pm
End-of-Year Prizegiving and Presentation 1:30 to 3 pm
Farewell Get Together at Captain Cook Park 5pm
Fri 16 Last Day of Term - Mufti Day and Donation