Student Health and Wellbeing

What is the respectful relationship program?

The Respectful Relationships whole-school approach recognises that schools are a workplace, a community hub and a place of learning. Everyone involved in our school community deserves to be respected, valued and treated equally.


We know that changes in attitudes and behaviours can be achieved when positive attitudes, behaviours and equality are lived across the school community, and when classroom learning is reinforced by what is modelled in our school community. 


Taking a whole-school approach is about embedding a culture of respect and gender equality across the entire school community. This approach leads to positive impacts on students’ mental health, classroom behaviour, and relationships between teachers and students.


The Respectful Relationships learning covers eight topics of Social and Emotional Learning across all year levels at our school: 

  • Emotional Literacy
  • Personal strengths
  • Positive Coping 
  • Problem Solving 
  • Stress Management 
  • Help Seeking
  • Gender and Identity
  • Positive Gender Relationships.

In 2023 the Respectful Relationships program will be taught at CJC alongside the Resilience Project in our weekly SEL (Social and Emotional Learning) time.


Here is an example of ways we can further help our community to break down stereotypes and the language we can use to help support our children.

Words carry important messages...

The Smile Squad is coming to CJC in 2023

More information will be sent out early in the new year.