Music Notes

Nicole Bull, Academic Dean of Performing Arts
Welcome to Term 2
There is much to enjoy in Performing Arts in Term 2 and we are excited to be offering many great opportunities to our students. We would like to wish all best to the cast and crew of Oliver for their production on May 18 to 20.
Kilvington students are now on the homestretch, gearing up for the production of Oliver. The excitement and anticipation of opening night is building as students are getting ready to showcase their hard work.
Here's a glimpse through the eyes of two of our leads, Loretta Pietrosanto (Oliver) and Renae Bekas (Nancy), into what’s been happening with the show.
Loretta Pietrosanto, Year 9 and Renae Bekas, Year 12
With the Oliver production fast approaching, the students are starting to feel a build up of nerves and excitement! We’ve been busy rehearsing and have been enjoying getting to know our crew and fellow cast members.
There is no time of the year more exciting than production time! It's so much fun getting into the creative process and delving into our characters and their motivations.
We're so excited to bring the audience along on a thrilling journey with us later this month and can’t wait for everyone to see the hard work we've all put in. It’s going to be an amazing show! Hope to see you all there!
Come and enjoy an evening of fun and entertainment and support all our students and staff who have put an enormous amount of time and effort into this fantastic production.
Production dates: Thursday 18 May, Friday 19 May, Saturday 20 May
Time: 7.30 – 9.45pm
Venue: Dalton Hall, Kilvington Grammar School
Cost: Adult $40.00, Concession $25.00, Family $100.00
Book your tickets via Trybooking here.
VCE Music Performance Recital
On Wednesday 10 May, our VCE music students will be performing a variety of instruments and styles of music to family and friends. The Recital is part of the students' assessment. All are welcome to attend.
String Concert
Our annual String Concert will be presented on Wednesday 24 May. The focus of our String Concert is to give our students an opportunity to perform in large and small ensembles. Groups involved include Arioso Trio, Intermezzo Strings, Junior Strings, Chamber Strings, Kilvington Orchestra and selected soloists. No reserved seating.
Winter Concert
The Winter Concert will be held on Wednesday 14 June at 7.00pm in Dalton Hall. This annual event highlights the musical talents of students from Years 5 to 8 and provides a valuable performance opportunity for our developing ensembles. Please come along to support our musicians and enjoy a wonderful evening of music.
Years 5 and 6 students will sing and perform together in the Years 5 and 6 Choir, the Kadenza Concert Band, Junior Strings, Klefs Choir, Junior Guitar Ensemble, Junior Percussion Ensemble and Intermezzo Strings. Students in Years 5 to 8 are invited to audition to perform a solo item. Please contact Miss Fiona Radford for more information.
Friday afternoon soirees
The Friday afternoon soirees have started back for Term 2. The soirees are held in PVC7 from 3.45 to 4.30pm. All Music, Speech and Drama students from ELC to Year 12 are welcome to perform, as well as students who attend lessons outside of School.
All performances must be booked in, either by writing your name and details of your performance on the Friday afternoon soiree forms pinned up on the Notice Board in the Music Building foyer, or by emailing Ms Carmel Slater (Head of Keyboard and Theory) at
Items should be no longer than three to four minutes, with a maximum of 15 items per soiree. The dates for this term’s Soirees are as follows: Friday May 5, 12, 19, 26 and June 2, 16 and 23.
Centenary Concert – attention all Kilvonians
The School is celebrating 100 years this year! To mark this momentous milestone, we will be holding a special Centenary Concert at the prestigious Hamer Hall in Southbank on August 10 at 7.30pm. We would love for you to celebrate with us, either as an audience member or as a participant in the many opportunities available on stage as a performer.
Kilvonians are also welcome to participate in any of the present Kilvonian performance groups. I am so looking forward to sharing this evening with the entire Kilvington community. Please let me know if you are interested in joining us. Email Ms Nicole Bull at
AMEB exam session and enrolment dates 2023
Session | Exam Date | Entries close |
4th Metropolitan Practical
| 7 August – 2 September | 9 June
5th Metropolitan Practical | 2 October – 12 November | 21 July |
1st Regional Practical | 24 July – 5 August | 19 May |
2nd Regional Practical | 13 November – 8 December | 11 August |
Diary dates - Term 2
| Time | Venue | Event |
Wednesday, 10 May | 6.00 – 7.00pm | PVC7 | VCE Music Recital |
May 18, 19 and 20 | 7.30 – 10.00pm | Dalton Hall | Oliver
Wednesday 24 May | 7.00 – 8.30pm | Dalton Hall | String Concert
Tuesday 13 June | 11.30am – 12.00pm | Dalton Hall | Years 2/3 String Concert
Wednesday 14 June | 7.00 – 8.30pm | Dalton Hall | Winter Concert
Thursday 15 June | 11.30am –12.00pm | Dalton Hall | Year 5 Band Program Concert |