Pizza, Pancakes, Portraits, Pottery and Poetry!

Welcome Back!
Welcome back to Term 3 at Larnook Public School. We hope you all had a safe and enjoyable holiday.
Enrichment Day
It is important in small school communities to stay connected with other small schools. This allows the children and teachers to mix with a wider range of people and share and learn new things together.
On Monday, 21st June we held an Enrichment Day for Years 3 and 4 at our school. Staff and children from Blakebrook, Jiggi, Coffee Camp and Goolmangar schools came along and participated in a variety of activities. We had pottery with Mark
(Aryon’s dad), pancakes with Donna, Picasso portrait painting with Mrs Mac and pizza cooked by Mrs Emerton and Rusty! Staff from other schools pitched in and also helped on the day.
We started the day with a wonderful Acknowledgement of Country and didgeridoo and drum playing by Brax. We had a talk about what was precious to us and threw around a ball of wool to connect us all. Best of all was
playing and making new friends!
Thanks to all who helped on the day and particularly thanks to Mark, who stayed on after the other schools had left and shared his pottery skills with the rest of our school.
Poetry by Myrtle
Continuing our “P” theme, here’s a poem Myrtle wrote in class with Ms Treasure.
The cat stalked through the midnight house,
Trying to listen for that pesky mouse.
The mouse had been there for a few days.
How did the cat know?
Well, it had its ways.
The mouse was a maniac, crazy, haywire.
And as the cat followed, it started to tire.
Out through the dog flap the crazy mouse ran.
Would the cat give chase?
I don’t know if it can.
But out into the night,
the wild goose chase kept going.
Oh yes – a slight disadvantage to both of them –
it was snowing.
The mouse jumped onto a concrete slate;
the cat tried to follow,
but fell to its fate.