Room 5

Lock Down Art

Term 3 had a very different start to what was planned. We managed to do some team building exercises, and plan a new classroom design before we heard news of the lockdown. Below you will see some examples of how the students found online learning and the lockdown.




I found my learning as normal as it would be in school. What was challenging for me was probably some of the reading comprehension activities. What I enjoyed the most about lockdown was being able to finish early, and being able to do what I want afterwards. The thing that was challenging about being in lockdown was not being able to go and do something like shopping. I mostly did my school work, then after I finished early, I was relaxing and playing games. I showed kindness in lockdown by helping my family with some things. The three words that I would use to describe being back at school are happy, excited, and relieved.



After the festival on Tuesday, I was happy and eager to go back to school. But at around 7:00 pm when we came back from a party, Dad looked at his phone and disappointingly said, "There is a lockdown in Adelaide for 7 days.” I was shocked and annoyed because I like coming to school. The first few days were very bad for me because I went to bed late. I wanted to wake up late but my dad wanted me to be ready for school so he woke me up to do online learning. It was hard. Then I put myself in order and started going to bed early and waking up early and doing more work then eventually I forgot that playing exists; I was so into my 5 day routine. During lockdown, my dad took me to the park and I also played video games. Although the lockdown was annoying it was alright.



During lock down I found online learning a bit of a challenge because there wasn't many people to help me when I was stuck, so I felt kind of confused, but I got it all done in the end. I went on a bike ride with my family to get out of the house. I felt happy and relaxed because I had been inside all week so it was nice to get out. I showed kindness by helping do the dishes and hanging out the washing. I am so happy to be back at school with my friends.



Doing online learning in the lockdown was a bit tough because we were so used to being in school and talking to our friends that we felt quite weird and lonely. School was challenging because we didn't have our teacher to explain the work and we had to do everything by ourselves, but we made it through. Lockdown was quite boring because we had nothing much to do. However, some of us improved some of our skills such as in cooking, baking etc. Although it was tough, we made it through and right now it feels exciting, good and great to be back in school and out of the lockdown.



On Wednesday, the 21st of July, we were in lockdown and we had to do home school learning and I found the learning was fun because we did a lot of fun work. There was also some work that was kind of challenging for me but I still got it done, with a little help. The thing that I enjoyed about the learning was that I got to learn more in maths. The challenging thing about being in lock down was that I couldn't be with my friends and teachers which was sad. As I was in lockdown, when I had a break, I played games and helped my parents when they needed help. I showed kindness by helping my parents and clean my room. The three words that I feel being back at school is are happy, good and great.



A thing I liked about lockdown was that we could stay home for a week. It was definitely challenging because it’s online school, finding your work on the computer can be hard, and also it’s not the same as being able to ask your teacher or your class mates questions in person; everything was through seesaw. I didn't really do many things in lockdown. I mostly did online school work and watched a lot of TV because there was nothing else to do. I also helped my mum in the kitchen if she was cooking for the family. If I could describe being at school in 3 words, I would say it feels good because I can see my friends and teacher in person, and I’m also exited for what this term will bring. It’s also a huge relief to be back in school.