Supporting Your Student
How you can support your child with anxiety issues or encourage them to address these issues themselves with an online program:
The BRAVE Program will help you (and your parent or carer) identify, understand, and change your worried thoughts and behaviour patterns, so you can improve the way you feel.
When you use BRAVE, you will learn how to:
- Detect when you are stressed and anxious by paying attention to your body clues.
- Practice relaxation skills that are easy and actually work to calm your body.
- Change your unhelpful thoughts into helpful ones.
- Set goals and work towards overcoming your fears.
- Celebrate your success!
The experts
BRAVE was developed at The University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia by a team of experts in child and adolescent mental health. The Program’s commercial translation from research to scalable clinical use is managed by UniQuest Pty Limited.
Karen Hallam
Student Wellbeing Coordinator- Wellbeing Dept
Social Worker- Careers Dept
The EACH Youth & Family Counselling team provides free counselling support and group programs to children, young people (aged 0-25 years) and their families who live, work, study or play in the City of Whitehorse, Knox, Maroondah, Yarra Rangers and surrounding areas.
Aspergers Victoria
Aspergers Victoria is a small not-for-profit organisation supporting Victorians who have Aspergers, autism, or other similar neurodiverse profiles. We run online and in-person support groups, programs, and events for our community to help them feel connected, supported, and empowered to live the life they want for themselves.
Attached is our groups and events flyer for the upcoming month. Could you please forward this to the team members within your organisation responsible for welfare and wellbeing, community engagement, disability support services, careers and employment, as well as or children & family services?
We’d be grateful if you could please share this flyer with your local community as well as any other contacts who may find this useful. If you have an alternate or additional email address for your organisation, please let us know so we can update our records.
Jenni Clarke
Pronouns: she/her
Community Administration Coordinator
Aspergers Victoria
College Uniform
In partnership with Eastland Shopping Centre, we have already held 5 FREE school uniform and school supplies collection this year, and still have plenty of preloved uniforms and school supplies for families in our community who may be struggling with costly school expenses .
Please see attached the flyer for our new collection dates: Friday 9th July ,between 10:00am – 12:00pm by appointment.
Families can register and make an appointment to collect school uniforms and school supplies by contacting the office on (03) 9720 5097. Please also note that Glen Park cannot guarantee a supply of a particular school’s uniform.
Please feel free to contact Glen Park Community Centre should you have any questions and please share this information and flyer with your networks or families in need of some support.
Kasie Bebbington
Administration Coordinator