From the Office
Masks Masks Masks
Yes we have had a return of the masks.
Can you please remind your child to make sure they bring a mask with them each day. Even get them to put a spare in their bag.
If they do happen to forget, lose or break theirs the school does have a limited supply that we can use, however a simple please is required in order to get a mask.
Thank you for your help with this.
Facilities Report
Over recent weeks we have made steady progress on the Facilities front. Much effort is of course being directed to the planning of the new STEM Centre which promises to be another amazing building for the College.
Recent works:
- Painted 500 metal fascias. The fascias required sanding, priming and painting.
- Plantings at recent Working Bee.
- Re-instated ceiling insulation on the main RT workshop
- Installed new projector in room 417
- Soundproofed a meeting room in Wellbeing
- Installed several exit and emergency lights
- Rectified defects in Senior School
- Installed several new exit and emergency lights
Chris Salisbury
Facilities Manager
Year 8 Commerce Notice
Compass Notice for Parents
This notice is to inform you of an exciting unit of work your child will undertake at the start of Term 3. For the first two weeks of Term 3 your child will be involved in an integrated Commerce unit. This unit, consisting of three modules, will examine key curriculum requirements under the Victorian Curriculum. Key areas to be examined include: Work and work futures, Government and democracy and Laws and citizens. This unit will replace core subjects, however, elective classes will still run. Please engage with your child about their learning and share your experiences of work and being a valued member of our democratic society. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Mrs Deb Wilkins
Head of Commerce, Civics and Citizenship
Year 7 Power Point
Over the last few weeks, the year 7s have been researching and making their PowerPoint or video for their Greek god oral presentation. We have learned so much over the last few weeks and have really enjoyed the topic.
I look forward to the next topic which is ancient China. The picture is me and some fellow classmates Emma and Hayley after the presentation. (I was Hermes in the middle)
Tyler Lamb, 7E
Year 12 VCAL
Yr 12 VCAL students are working in the indigenous garden with our sustainability coordinator Alyce Bailey, to plant more indigenous plants and clean up the area.