From the Secondary Principal Team

It is once again with much gratitude to students, staff and families/carers who have soldiered through lockdown 5. Feedback has been extremely positive in that we have found a good balance of onscreen learning time and work-related expectations. I am confident that a similar routine has translated at home enabling your children to continue with their studies with a mix of school time and family time. Unfortunately, we now need to continue our learning online and with the routines now in place to support our children in this latest lockdown. The ability of our community to reach out and support each other in difficult times continues to inspire and motivate school leadership. We will continue to support families with available resources and assistance.
In our first full onsite week at school, students adjusted really well settling back into classes with their peers and teachers. On the secondary campus, students wore their masks and moved on with little fuss focusing more on their studies and opportunities at school. We are very fortunate that most of our Year 9 cohort were able to complete their team building winter camp at Kinglake. Students were subject to a range of programs and activities which were directed at building trust in each other, self- growth and increased responsibilities as they move towards their senior years at our school. The feedback from the campers has been extremely positive. Student behaviour and input was exceptional over the days on camp. They have returned with a lovely collage that celebrates their achievements and their wonderful journey together. The second year 9 group also had a wonderful opportunity to attend Melbourne Polytechnic in Epping to work on a sustainable project which exposed them to the excellent facilities and life of a tertiary institution. The students collaborated with the staff to develop concepts and designs of 21st century sustainable products that would enhance life in the local community. The range of outcomes are a testament to our wonderful students and their creativity, talent and commitment to engage and focus on the wellbeing of our environment and the challenges that they will face in their future.
Last week we welcomed two new staff to our school as we continue to build our senior school program. Stevce Karevski has joined us from Wallen SC. He is a highly experienced teacher of the math/sciences particularly physics and mathematics. He will be a great addition to a team that now has a vast breadth of the curriculum covered and comes with high levels of experience from a range of new and ongoing teachers in the faculty. We have also been joined by Alyce Bailey. Alyce has been appointed to lead our careers team. She is also an experienced careers practitioner from Ringwood SC. Alyce will work on developing the careers program, student counselling and subject selection. We are looking forward to a wonderful contribution from both staff as we continue our Lakes journey. Finally, as you may be aware Bonnie Lee has returned to us after almost six years in the position of Assistant Principal- Secondary Campus. Bonnie brings a vast range of experience to the school particularly in student welfare and health programs. Bonnie has held senior leadership positions in the Health sector, developed and delivered a range of successful programs in respectful relationships and community health and wellbeing programs.
We are excited that we will be offering a fantastic program of Year 10-12 as a result of our changes which are in line with our strategic direction of the College. We stand committed to the Lakes tradition of smaller class sizes, a strong pastoral care program and continuing to build positive and effective relationships with many tertiary institutions that will provide our students priority access to courses. As a recognized 21st Century school provider, we have established a significant reputation for collaborative and experiential learning with a range of providers including universities both in the north and across the state. Traditionally, our families have moved on after year 9 because that was our final year, however, after strong community lobbying and sentiment, we are now able to provide a quality and contemporary program that will deliver results for our students at the senior level.
Please contact Kerrie, Bonne, Annette or myself to discuss the senior programs available at the school as we phase through to year 12 in 2022.
Stay safe everyone!