From the Primary Principal Team

A lot has changed since I started writing this Newsletter article yesterday morning. Parents, please rest assured that our aim as a school during this next lockdown period is to try and maintain things as normal as possible and within the requirements and guidelines that we are governed to work by. The more things and routines that can be kept the same, the better the mental health and wellbeing of all of us, especially our students. This will continue to be a key focus over the key few weeks on the campus.
We will be checking in with students across this lockdown period and once back onsite, continuing to build school routines back up again and take time to reconnect. Thank you to all our parents who have been so understanding of the current climate we are faced with restrictions in place. We understand this is never easy and we thank you for your on-going support. Hopefully, once restrictions are lifted, we can head towards some normality and allow parents to join in more onsite celebrations like assemblies, walking children to into school grounds and getting our wonderful parents helpers back into our classrooms to support our students learning.
Today would have marked our Preps “100 days of schooling” celebration. Prep parents, once we are back on site, we will reschedule this celebration. A lot of planning and preparation has gone into this event from our Prep team. Our teachers continue to go above and beyond in planning, preparation and celebrate the wonderful work and achievements of our students here at The Lakes.
Whole School Curriculum Day – Wednesday 11th August. The school will not be open with staff off site on this day completing Department of Education training. Camp Australia will be operational for any families that need care on this day. Please call them directly if this is the case.
These events are scheduled to happen across the next 5 weeks (COVID dependent). More information will follow for families once we get confirmation if these events are happening or not.
- The Lakes Primary Campus Olympics (COVID restrictions dependent) – Wednesday 18th August – Students will be split into different countries and complete in the inaugural Lakes Primary Olympics. Students will be involved in a range of sports throughout the day including team building, fruit Frisbee, Rocket Zone, Rollerama, Javelin to the 4m Dart Board just to name a few. Please check Sentral for more updates early next week about this event.
- Book Week Dress Up Day – Thursday 26th August – Students are to dress up as their favorite book character.
- Fathers/ Special Persons Afternoon– Friday 27th August starting 2.30pm -3pm
- Father’s Day Stall – Tuesday 31st August – Please pay at the front office.
- 2022 Prep Information Session – Tuesday 17th August – Please contact the front office to secure your spot. This will be done via Zoom.
- Year 3 & 4 Camp to Gundiwindi – Wednesday 1st September – Friday 3rd September
- Year 1 & 2 Swimming – Continues every Tuesday. Parents are not allowed to attend these sessions. Please ring King Swim if you have any questions.
- Division Athletics – Years 4, 5 & 6 – Friday 20th August (Rescheduled to this date)
- Year 5 & 6 Volleyball – Thursday 9th September
- Year 5 & 6 Basketball – Wednesday 15th September
- Year 6 Graduation - Wednesday 15th December starting at 5.30pm on the Primary Campus– Notes have been send out this week to our Year 6 families. Thank you to our parents who joined the graduation committee and for Laura P who convened it. It was much appreciated.
Finally, it is with great excitement to let our school community know that Shannon Stockley (2021 Prep Teacher) has had a health baby boy, Jude Parker Stockley born 3rd August weighing 9 pounds 3 ounces. Mum and Bub are doing great and looking forward to getting home to start their new adventure. Congratulations to Shannon and James.
Have a wonderful weekend and please look after each other during this difficult time.