Sports News

What a great two weeks of sport we have had at BHPS!

This past week, we have been lucky enough to work with nine other schools in our Division to organise a Virtual Olympics. It has been great to not only see but hear the level of commitment our school has shown throughout this past week. I have loved watching classrooms participate in these Olympic events and hearing students talk about the events they have been completing at home with their families. In P.E we have had a strong focus on Olympics and have worked on completing one event in each P.E lesson as our warm up in order to support our school! 


The Virtual Olympics finishes next week on the 15th August, so please get involved and support BHPS! Go team!


A big thank you to all of my house captains for putting their hand up to be in the ‘Equestrian’ and ‘Swimming Freestyle’ how to videos. 



Taylah Russell

Health & Physical Education Teacher