Camp Australia 

Marisa Meo 


Welcome Back to Term 3

We just completed our second Mission Take-off program and we were all left feeling proud of ourselves as we planned such an engaging program welcoming lots of new children from other schools. 

We received lovely messages from parents and families and are all very excited to start planning for our next Spring Rocketeers Program. 

Children participated in lots of different club based themes, participating in incursions and excursions. The top highlights were our Ninja Day where children made sushi and learnt how to play traditional Japanese games. The children got messy in the kitchen with our Experimentally Scrumptious theme where children made bubbles and honeycombs and engaged in fun science activities. 


What were our Educators up to these holidays?

  • Learning how to work as a team and manage larger groups of children
  • Building new relationships with other families from different schools
  • Educators participating in excursion activities
  • Keeping the children engaged throughout the day with a variety of fun experiences
  • Building new relationships with new educators that joined us throughout the Program

What were our Children up to this Rocketeers Program?

  • Blasting off to Inflatable Land, Rocketeers Big Sports Day and Movie Mania
  • Building strong connections with new children from other schools
  • Learning new skills through exciting excursions and incursions
  • The children participated in a variety of sports activity that enhanced their gross and fine motor skills
  • Learning all about the Aboriginal and Torris Strait Islander culture with additional activities planned to help embed their understandings