Creative Arts 

Visual Communication and Design Speaker Seminar

On Thursday 21 March the Year 12s attended the Visual Communication and Design Speaker Seminar conducted at the Hawthorn Art Centre.


Three practitioners from Environmental, Communication and Industrial Design spoke about their particular fields.


This intended to give students both a choice in who they respond to, to expand their understanding of Professional Practice in preparation for their SAC in Unit 3


Charles Ryan McBride discussed the design and building process involved in the construction of Banksia Apartments in the Docklands.


Mini Goss an illustrator, did a very lively and passionate presentation on book illustration and publishing.


Finally, Taylor Zhou, an industrial designer from Planet Innovation, spoke about Cycliq’s Fly6 and Fly12Cebike camera.


On reflection, the students felt that it was a very worthwhile experience that will assist them in their future learning.


Sue Radford

Creative Arts Teacher