Principal's Update

In recent weeks, there have been numerous examples of our College values being lived within our community.  Staff and students joined to raise funds for Caritas through their annual Lenten fundraising appeal Project Compassion. Staff completed numerous ‘dares’ as part of our Dare to Donate promotion, which was led by our student leaders.  The money raised will support Caritas in continuing their work to help end poverty, promote justice and uphold dignity. Students, staff and families also walked in solidarity with our refugees, calling for a more just and welcoming society, at the Walk for Justice for Refugees on Palm Sunday.  It was wonderful to see so many giving their time during the school holidays to advocate for change.


Many also gathered on ANZAC Day for the service at the Mentone RSL to pause and reflect on the service and sacrifice of all those who have served and are currently serving their country.  College Co-Captain, Naomi Russo, read the ANZAC Requiem for all gathered with great reverence.  

We were delighted to host the Trustees of Kildare Ministries at Kilbreda this week. The Trustees toured the College, visited classes and engaged in conversation with students and staff. They were most impressed with the warm welcome they received from all they encountered and the passion with which students spoke about their school. 


In this newsletter, you will have opportunity to read about many other programs and events our community has been involved in over recent weeks.  Kilbreda certainly is a very active and vibrant learning community!


A Prayer for Peace

Almighty God, we remember with thanksgiving,

those who made the supreme

sacrifice for us in times of war.

We pray that their offering of their

lives may not have been in vain.

May your grace enable us this

day to dedicate ourselves

to the cause of justice, freedom and peace;

and give us the wisdom

and strength to build a better world.


We Pray For

We ask for your prayers for members of our community and their families who have recently lost loved ones:


Sister Maree Simm CSB

(formerly known as Mother Eilis),

former staff member – Sacristan, Library Assistant and Archivist, and founding Principal of Stella Maris, Beaumaris.


Paul Gomez

Brother of Belinda Gomez (Past Pupil - 1987), Cousin of April Harris (Past Pupil - 2001), Uncle of Jennifer Gomez (Past Pupil - 2016) and Dear friend of nearly 50 years, Damian Smith (Staff)


We pray that our loving God hold them gently in the palm of His hand.


Nicole Mangelsdorf
