
The Netball season for Intermediate (Years 9/10) and Senior (Years 11/12) age groups has concluded for the year. These two groups, consisting of eight teams, competed in the Wednesday afternoon CaSSSA competition at Downey Park, Western Districts, and Bradbury Park, as well as the Junior A, Inter A, and Open A netball teams competing in the Vicki Wilson Cup and QC Cup. The CaSSSA structure recently changed, therefore the season was shorter than what has previously been played. All teams tried their very best. with various wins and losses throughout the season.
Mt A’s results from this competition are as follows:
Opens A – 7th
| Opens B – 7th
Opens C – 7th
| Inter A – 6th
Inter B – 4th
| Inter C – 8th
Inter D – 2nd | Inter E – 6th
The Open team also competed in QISSN at Nissan Arena, which unfortunately ended earlier than expected due to COVID-19 lockdown. This resulted in the team playing only two of the five days of the carnival (Monday 28 and Tuesday 29 June), winning one out of the five games across these two days. We are very proud of what the team has achieved this season, with many challenges along the way.
The Junior age bracket (Years 7/8) will commence their netball season at the start of Term 4. Grading for Junior Netball will take place in Weeks 6 and 7 of this term. We look forward to seeing all of our Junior students out on the court!
Charli Riddle & Immy Napier
Netball Captains