BATforce and 

Sacred Heart present

"Digital Tattoo"

Year 5 & 6 sessions Wednesday 4th August 

Parent/Carer and Grown ups sessions Wednesday 11th August 7:30-9pm

(Parents from all year levels are most welcome to this evening session.)


BATForce is excited to be partnering with Sacred Heart in 2021 for our Digital Tattoo sessions which explore Young Learners online worlds.

Leigh has been delivering Digital Tattoo for over 12 years and after the events of 2020 it has become even more important to come together as a school community and look at how our young people exist and use their online worlds. In 2020 we relied heavily on screens to connect, create and consume, now is a great time to reflect on how they worked for us as families and whether we need to revisit what screen time means to us and how we move forward in both our online and in real life worlds.

The aim is to deliver sessions to both the year 5 and 6 students.  Students will be broken into year levels to ensure the content is tailored to meet the needs and age appropriate. The sessions are interactive, and teachers will participate in each of the sessions. 

In addition to the student sessions, there will be an evening parent/carer session. We encourage the grown ups only to attend the ‘Grown up evening session’ so you can hear more about what will be delivered to your young learner as well as how you can best continue the conversations at home long after the project is completed.  

All sessions are delivered from a strengths base respectful relationships frame. 

Topics to include:  Healthy online relationships, respect for self and others, gaming, social media, gambling, importance of role modelling, creating rules that fit your family, screens and your body, staying safe, looking out for your mates and what to do when things go wrong.