S A K Garden

Liz Scott- Stephanie Alexander Garden Specialist

What’s happening in the patch?

As the weather has turned cold and wet (yay for rain) we have moved classes into the shed on wet days. The shed is set up like a classroom, giving 4 groups their own space to work.

Recently the children learnt to make paper pots, which allow us to plant seeds in them and pop the whole thing in the ground when ready. The little treasures worked so efficiently making around 160 pots.

We also made a mini wicking bed using an old fish tank planting 3 different types of seeds along the glass edges. This allows us to observe which one grows first.

It prompts discussion around:

  • Are their root systems the same?
  • How do they differ? What is their appearance?
  • Are their roots heading down to the water supply or are they hanging around the surface.

Our broccoli, kale, garlic, broad beans, leeks, brussels sprouts, beetroot and cauliflower are all growing nicely.

Happy gardening.