The Green Team

Alex Baxter & Elise Hawkins


Sustainability Team 

Bottle Cap Mural- please bring in your recycled bottle caps

In Week 1 of Term 3, Kingswood will be hosting its annual Environment Week full of fun activities, incursions, local excursions and learning experiences. We are hoping to partner with Bunnings to create a recycled bottle cap mural but we need your help! In order for this to go ahead we will need as many bottle caps as possible in a range of colours. Please start collecting your plastic bottle caps from milk bottles/juice bottles etc. and send rinsed bottle caps to Miss Baxter or Miss Hawkins' classrooms. We will be making a mural that looks something like this one!

Interesting sustainability news

From Sustainability Victoria: The glass from your kerbside recycling is being turned into sand to build Victorian roads, including the recent Tullamarine Freeway widening. Two new facilities opened by Alex Fraser Group and funded in part by a grant from Sustainability Victoria will eliminate Victoria's entire glass stockpile within several years. The facilities will process glass shards that are too small to be sorted, or are contaminated with plastic or metal lids or other materials, and would otherwise be stockpiled or go to landfill. 

Read more at:


Environment tips from our community:

"Did you know that chickens can eat all food scraps, even meat! Having chickens is a great way to reduce your food waste at home. I have three chickens at home named Ruby, Bella and Princess 'Layer' 

Sonia Nista

"Did you know that Coles and Woolworths have a soft plastics reycling bin, that you can dump your soft plastics into. It's clean, it's easy and very convenient! So keep a bag next to your rubbish bin for your soft plastics and take it with you when you next go shopping at Coles of Woolworths."

Lucie Hill 

If you have an environmental tip to put in the newsletter, please email