Assistant Principal - Curriculum


Last Thursday the school participated in a full audit conducted by NESA - the New South Wales Education Standards Authority. As an independent school we are subject to registration guidelines that are regularly monitored. We welcomed personnel from NESA, from the Catholic Schools Office and from other Catholic schools who examined our policies and procedures, our curriculum work, our pastoral care programs and our facilities.  While we have yet to receive the formal feedback, informally the visitors were impressed with our school and with the work done here. Congratulations to all College staff - groundsmen, administration, support and teachers - on the preparation and work presented.



On Monday Year 7 and 9 students participated in Omnibus tests in the hall - a practice for the upcoming online NAPLAN tests. This will be a new NAPLAN experience for Year 7 and Year 9 and the practice test familiarised students with the format and the procedures. NAPLAN tests will be conducted in May.


Stage 4 Information Evening

The last of our Stage Evenings, for Stage 4, was held in the Rosary Centre on Monday evening. Thank you to all the parents who attended and engaged in the evening, which covered all aspects of life at McCarthy Catholic College - spiritual, academic and pastoral.


Interim Reports

Interim Reports will be published in Week 11 for all students in Years 7-11. 


Please note the changed login for the parent portal: Username = parent,  Password = Parent2340!

An email was sent out to all families.

New links have been added to the Online Learning Website including:

  • Chromebooks (BYODD) Information - Parents Login as a Guest.
  • Newspapers (Digital Subscriptions) - Students can login with their Username / Password.

Mrs Sally Sparke - Assistant Principal - Curriculum