Student Wellbeing

What a special day we all had on Monday!
It was so wonderful seeing so many of our students’ Grandparents’ or Special Friends’ attend our Mass dedicated to them.
The Preps did an amazing job throughout the mass with their readings, including many difficult words, which they very confidently pronounced.
They sang ‘You are My Sunshine’ with such gusto, accompanied by their actions and the tears started flowing for many of us.
A ‘big thank ‘ you to Miss Evans and Miss Bamford for preparing the mass and the Prep children.
Unfortunately, Miss Evans was sick and unable to attend. We thank Miss Romios, Miss Fahy, Mrs. Grillo and Jackie Scott for stepping in and helping out.
After mass, the Grandparents’/Special Friends’ went up to the classrooms to see their grandchildren in action and were able share activities with them.
Then it was down to enjoy a delicious Morning Tea in the hall. Our Grandparents’/Special Friends’ mingled happily with each other, sharing stories and renewing acquaintances from previous Grandparents’/Special Friends’ Days.
Our Grandparents’/Special Friends’ very generously purchased $2000.00+ worth of books for either their grandchildren or our library – a special thank you to them.
Our Yr. 6 Leaders very ably helped serve food in the hall or escorted our Grandparents’/Special Friends’ to classrooms.
A ‘big’ thank you also for our ‘merry band of mums’, who very generously gave up their time to ensure everyone attending received a hot cup of tea or coffee and something to eat. Thank you to Store 6 for preparing our delicious treats.
Our Grandparents’/Special Friends’ play a very important role in our students’ lives - we thank them for coming and hope they enjoyed themselves as much as we did.
Julianne Price
Student Wellbeing /Student Services Leader
Ph. 96992928
Parenting Anxious Children
Dear parents/carers,
St. Columba’s in Elwood, 24 Glenhuntly Rd., are conducting this Workshop for their parents on Monday, 27th August at 7.00 – 9.00pm.
They have very kindly extended an invitation to Galilee parents to attend.
The cost is free, however could you please ring St. Columba’s office to reply if you intend attending.