Learning and Teaching

STEAM in Year 5/6
This term the STEAM focus for our school has been Creativity-Sharing Stories. In the senior school, there have been many links made to Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics.
The Year Five students have been reading the shortlisted book, How to Bee, and explored the creation and dimensions of a honeycomb. The students used their knowledge of 3D shapes in Mathematics to produce their own honeycombs.
The Year Six students made connections to Creativity through Religion. They explored the book of Genesis: The Story of Creation to produce their own comic strips to retell the story.
They have also been focusing on the Earth's climates and climate change, using Technology and Engineering skills to construct various climate zones.
Science Week
National Science Week is Australia’s annual celebration of science and technology. This years theme was: Game Changers and Change Makers.
Prep and Year Two students completed an activity based on the Wright Brothers. The Wright brother engineered one of the first occurrences of powered flights. Their best known flight occurred in 1903. It lasted 12 seconds and the aeroplane flew almost 37 metres. The students then made their own paper planes ready for launching. We explored whose plane flew the furthest, the type of flight path it took and how they could make improvements or adjustments.
There were some amazing flights and lots of excited and curious learners.
The Year 4's spent some time engineering a variety of structures for a playground, including a swing set and slide.