Principal's Report

This Week's Events
Grandparents Day
Galilee welcomed grandparents/special friends to the school on Monday. We started the day with mass at Sts. Peter & Paul with Prep students performing a song and readings. Fr Hugh interviewed families with humour, which highlighted the importance of the special relationship they have with their grandchildren. After mass, grandparents and friends visited the children's classrooms and finished with a morning tea and a look at the Scholastic Book Fair. Thank you to everyone in attendance, Store 6 for the catering, Year 6 student hosts and the group of parents helping serve coffee, tea and food. Thank you to Mrs Price for again organising the event and to the Prep students and teachers for their preparation.
During the morning tea, I had the pleasure of talking to a number of the grandparents and special friends. Some had travelled from overseas, interstate, country-Victoria and others from our local Bayside area. Some had traditional names and others that reflected overseas cultures such as Nonna and Nonno. I met an uncle and aunty who had a special relationship with their niece. Grandparents are important role models for the grandchildren. Often grandparents share special interests or skills such as: fishing, knitting, cooking, football or board games. Many are retired and treasure the time they spend with their grandchildren. A close relationship (grandparents with grandchildren) indirectly affirms the parents. I enjoyed a close relationship with all of my grandparents and each of them has left me with many wonderful memories. My Nanny cooked all of my favourite foods and enjoyed reading to me. My grandfather was called Wocka (short for Warick), a special name I gave to him when I couldn't pronounce his name. Wocka tried unsuccessfully to teach me to be an accomplished fisherman. Each time we fished together, he was disappointed that it was him and not me catching all of the fish. He didn't realise how much I just loved being with him. While patiently trying to catch fish I learnt to be persistent and that I couldn't always get everything I wanted but I could enjoy trying. Days like Monday, help form memories that the grandchildren will remember for the rest of their lives.
I'm already looking forward to next year's Grandparents and Special Friends Day.
Book Week Parade
I was astounded by the effort parents, children and staff put into their Book Week costumes on Wednesday. Luckily it was a dry morning and we were able to share our costume ideas as each class paraded around the basketball court. Today was a celebration of the learning and joy that books can bring us. Over the last two years, our Literacy Leader Miss Cox, has introduced a number of resources and approaches that add to the learning and enjoyment of reading: Daily 5, CAFE Reading and Literacy Pro.
Students have a range of digital and paper books designed to be at their lexile level. Reading is very much about meaning and each text is followed by a quiz.
Family Contact Details
Whenever there's a change of address, phone number or email for parents or emergency contacts listed at the school, please be sure to let the office know and to ALSO change it on Caremonkey.
Insight SRC Surveys are to be completed by tomorrow, 24th August, if you wish to contribute feedback. Thank you to the families, staff and students have participated in the survey. However, only 16% of families have completed the surveys which will not provide us with sufficient data to use for future decision making. We encourage everyone to please complete it by tomorrow.
Father's Day
As a school community, we will celebrate Father's Day on Friday 31st August with a breakfast from 7.30am. Students and dads or other significant males are invited to come dressed in their favourite footy team colours. See Caremonkey form for more details and RSVP. Responses must be completed by tomorrow, Friday 24th August for catering purposes.
A final reminder that any Father's Day Photos who want to included in the Breakfast Video must be emailed by this Monday 3:25pm. Photos sent after this deadline may not be included in the video.
Mass will begin at 9.30am at St. Peter and Paul's organised by Year 1.
Footy Colours Day
Adding to our Father's Day tradition, we will have Footy Colours Day next Firsday 31st August.
Fight Cancer Foundation’s Footy Colours Day is a national fundraising campaign to support kids living with cancer.
Wear your favourite footy team’s colours on Friday 31st August and bring in a gold coin donation.
Hoop Time
Next Thursday 30th August, Year 5/6 students will walk to MSAC to participate in Hoop Time a basketball competition against other schools.
Year 3/4 students will participate the following week on Thursday 6th September. Hoop Time participation is a great way for our students to represent Galilee.
This will be the first time students will wear the new sport uniforms in full. Thanks again to the community for the money raised to purchase the singlets and shorts.
Parent helpers are desperately needed for all year levels to attend on the days. Please sign the Caremonkey for permission and availability to help.
Wendy is currently on Leave with Tegan taking on additional duties and she will be back next Tuesday. Next week Miss Otte will be on Long Service Leave and replaced by Miss Romios. Miss Biggs will be away for the following two weeks to attend a wedding overseas and be replaced by Miss Lauren Bland.
We will welcome back Mr Tobin next week.
Simon Millar
Principal of Galilee