Special Education

Online learning

Special Education has been powering along in the online world.  Special Education students have been working through various on-line platforms; Google Classroom, Maths-Online and Studyladder.    It has required a lot of support from parents and caregivers and special education staff to get to the level we are now at. This change has been quite challenging at times, but the students and families have shown enormous resilience throughout the lockdown. 


In other initiatives, Special Education have developed two 2pm Zooms on Tuesdays where students can tune in and talk with staff members, play quizzes and practice conversation skills. Staff also prepared a fun video each week and we're hoping the students and families all enjoyed them. 

The Green and Purple Class

The Green Class have been accessing their learning through the class website. They complete set daily tasks, watch videos set and made by their teachers and can access a variety of games and other links to complement their learning. They are also using the time to focus on life skills and daily living tasks within the home. Mrs Bath would like to congratulate the Green class on their efforts and encourages them to keep on trying!

7/8 Creative Arts Class

The 7/8 class have been working on a photography unit based on identity. Jet Black took a great self portrait shot.

7/8 Design and Technology

The 7/8 class have been working on structures and it culminated in constructing boats, bridges and towers from items found around them in their house. Some of the completed structures were uploaded by the students. 

NDIS Virtual Hot Desks

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a federally funded scheme that provides financial assistance to approximately 500, 000 people in Australia living with a permanent and significant disability. NDIS packages support people to access the community, develop skills, make social connections and have an improved quality of life. 


This term we were fortunate to have a representative from the organisation, Social Futures (Local Area Co-ordinators) offer to assist families from the Special Education Unit with the application process. Some parents took up the opportunity of a virtual meeting and found the ZOOM sessions worthwhile. They have made progress with getting NDIS support for their children with special needs. Hopefully these students will soon be able to access the services they need.




Mr Peter Yates

Head Teacher

Special Education