Senior School News

Year 9 History | Duke of Edinburgh

Year 9 History Elective – Boston Tea Party 

This term the Year 9 History Elective class has been exploring the causes of the American Revolution. On 10 August, the class was invited to a ‘tea party’ to explore a key event in the lead up to the American Revolution, the Boston Tea Party. While students indulged in cups of tea and scones, they discussed the impact of this event before reading primary accounts of different perspectives. Each student left with a better understanding of the event and smiling faces. 


The class would like to extend their thanks to Marcus and the kitchen team for allowing us to borrow their equipment for this event to run.

Duke of Edinburgh at Kinross Wolaroi

The Duke of Edinburgh is a non-competitive self-development international program available to all young people which encourages them to set and achieve goals at a level appropriate to their needs and aspirations. The award is comprised of three levels each progressively more challenging.


BRONZE- 14 years and older

SILVER- 15 years and older

GOLD – 16 year and older 


If you are currently in Years 8, 9, 10 and 11 and are thinking about completing the Bronze, Silver or Gold Award please email or come and see Mr Callaghan. 


“Duke drop in Fridays” are every Friday of the Term in Room 86- Anderson Centre at 100pm.

Congratulations to the following Duke of Edinburgh recipients. They have been rewarded for their hard work and commitment to the Duke of Edinburgh program. Certificates and pins will be awarded at the next possibly opportunity when we are back at KWS.


Henry McElroy (11) - Bronze Award

Thomas Patton (10) - Bronze Award

Hugh Thompson (10)- Bronze Award

William Pearce (10) - Bronze Award

Max Reidy (10) - Bronze Award

Lucy Searle (10)  - Bronze Award

Luke Dominello (10) - Silver Award

Ellen Arundell (11) - Silver Award