Head of Students News

Mr Peter Serone

Bullying Presentation

At today’s assembly, the topic of bullying was addressed. Each student received a copy of a pamphlet containing information about bullying (copy attached) which was referred to during the presentation. The message is an important one and given as a reminder to the students, that everyone is to be treated with respect and dignity at all times. This message also permeated through Luke’s Gospel reading used in the assembly today: “Do to others as you would have them do to you.”


Two key points raised included:

  • Everyone has the right to feel safe and comfortable at school.
  • Do not retaliate. It is right for you to tell someone if you or your friends are being bullied.

I encourage families to have a conversation at home about today’s presentation and discuss the pamphlet given to the boys.

Mask Wearing and Following Queensland Health Directives

The College appreciates all families supporting the Queensland public health directive and College expectation around all our students wearing masks helping to keep the school community safe.


Over the next two weeks if issues do arise for your son around mask wearing, please contact his pastoral leader to discuss alternate protection measures.


The boys have been given clear directions around social distancing during breaks, during activity and when moving around the school. Day students have also been reminded not to walk through the boarding area between the dining area and boarding residence when moving to and from classes or the bus bay.

Brotherhood Initiative

A number of our families have been caught up with the local exposure sites around Ashgrove and are currently in quarantine. Our school counsellors in conjunction with the pastoral leaders have reintroduced the ‘Brotherhood initiative’ for those students who are isolated at home.


Attached below is the letter sent home by the counsellors explaining this initiative.