Secondary Community News 

Lower Secondary (Years 7-8)

Students have made a very positive start to Term Three in 7 / 8 A. We recognised NAIDOC week to begin with and students used their fingers to paint an Aboriginal flag, learnt about its history and some of the History of the Australian Aboriginal people. 


We welcomed Noah into the class, moving from 7/8B and he has settled in well, providing interesting ideas in class discussions and a friendly responsible attitude. Less importantly but also to the great interest of the class and others who visit we have a resident goldfish in the room which students are observing, chillin’ with and caring for well. 


We got very busy in weeks two and three with our daily swimming program which was very much enjoyed and went well. Then it was straight into more travelling with our visit with 7/8B by train to Sydenham Library. We browsed the shelves completed an activity about finding nonfiction books on different topics and had a book called ‘I Love My Teacher’ read to us by Gordon. 


We have begun studying Space, the planets, our galaxy and what we know of the universe in Inquiry, and we are also doing some Reading, writing and Maths activities about it. We have studied the sun (not actually looked at it though as that would be bad for our eyes) planets, their sizes and how far they are from each other. We have studied how the Earth moves around the sun and the moon orbiting Earth creates the four seasons as well as night and day.


We have been enjoying specialist classes and were all impressed by the Train Nam finished making in Design Technology. Nam loves Trains.


Students enjoyed our first fitness session with Instructors from Soccer Australia coming to the school and teaching the skills, getting kids involved in games and promoting the Matildas and the Women’s World Cup tournament.


We are looking forward to a trip to Scienceworks and a Planetarium coming to the school to amaze us with images and facts about Space and the Universe.

Upper Secondary (Years 9-10)




This term in 9/10, we are focusing on a range of skills in Numeracy. We have been looking at measuring different things. This is a great skill as it helps us when it comes to cooking in the student run café! We are learning how to measure lots of different items and learning about different units of measurement!

Safe @ Work


The 9/10s have been hard at work learning all about workplace safety. We have been learning how to safely do manual handling to make sure we don’t injure ourselves. This is an important skill as some of us are thinking about doing work placement or getting ready for Year 11! Here are some tips on how to safely do manual handling. 

Travel Training


Last week 9/10A and 9/10B went to Sunshine Library and Victoria University. Students engaged in a scavenger hunt around the library to find different books. Later, students went to Victoria University to look around and see what a university is like!

Senior Secondary (VPC/ASDAN)


Railway Academy


On Thursday 3rd of August, VPC students went to the Railway Academy to learn about the job opportunities in the rail industry. These are the some of the students’ comments after the tour:


David – I liked the lesson about the flags on the train line. Green means proceed, amber means slow down/ warning and red means stop. 

Mena – I liked pulling the switches for signaling. 

Ethan P – I thought it was really good. The (track and signal) levers were interesting. 

Aicha – I liked learning how the old signals worked and getting to pull the (signal) switches.

Tyler - It was very good and interesting.

Kaylan – We learnt about how to measure train tracks to keep the trains safe.

Sharnay – At the rail excursion, I liked setting up the Ozobot to travel on the line and change direction.

Tahlia W – I learnt how train tracks are put together.

Joshua – Yesterday was brilliant. I like the lever pulling activity to control the red and green signals.

Levinia – It was good, and I learnt to use a Ozobot






Secondary Students of the Week

Lawrence for independently putting the power point together for assembly.


Calista for being independent in her learning and always sharing her fantastic ideas.


Matthew for always being responsible in his approach to learning.


Israa for being responsible and taking initiative in the kitchen this week. Israa was an amazing helper in the cafe, we are lucky to have her with us. She did all her tasks independently and then went on to help the other students.