Wellbeing - Peaceful Kids
Be Calm & Be Happy Tips for Having a Better Day by H. Becker
Your muscles have been working hard all day. Say “Thank you!” with a nice, long stretch.
When you stretch, it’s like giving your muscles a mini massage. Blood flows into them, making them feel toasty warm. Stretching also loosens up and relaxes too-tight muscle fibres. THat makes the rest of you feel more relaxed, too.
Spend a few minutes stretching before bedtime. You’ll sleep like a baby.
Neck Stretch Gaze forward. Slowly bring your right ear to your shoulder. Repeat on the other side.
Shoulder and Back Stretch Kneel on the floor with the tops of your feet flat on the floor, the soles of your feet facing up. Sit on your heels. Gently bend forward at the waist and rest your torso between your thighs, lowering your forehead towards the floor. Let your arms drop down in whatever position feels most comfortable for you - reaching forward, at your sides, or open wide. Hold this position in and out three to five breaths.
Arm and SIde Stretch Standing comfortably, put your arms straight out in front. Lace your fingers together, palms towards you, and raise your arms above your head. Feel the stretch in your arms.
Now turn your palms up towards the sky and stretch again (this stretches a few more different muscles). With hands still joined, gently bend to the right from your waist and hold the stretch. Straighten up, then bend gently to the left.
Carlo |