Chaplain’s Corner

Gideon – the unlikely leader

In the book of Judges, Chapter 6 we read the incredibly gripping account of Gideon, who really was the most unlikely of leaders. 


When we are introduced to Gideon, he is shy, scared, worried, timid. He is hiding! Doing his work, not out in the field, in the open, but instead, threshing wheat in a winepress. He did this so he wouldn’t be seen and be raided by the Midianites.


God speaks to Gideon and He tells him that he is the leader that He needs to save Israel.  Gideon’s reply is, “But how!?” I wonder if you’ve ever asked God the same question?


“How can I save Israel?”, asks Gideon. “My clan, my family group, my tribe, it is the weakest, and I am the least in my family!” I wonder, have you ever felt weak? Ever thought, I’m not as good or clever as others? Have you ever thought, when I look around, I am probably the least in my family, the least in my friendship group, the least in my class, the least in my workplace? Gideon felt that way … until God showed him another way.


Through a series of unique tests, God convinced Gideon, that he was the man for the hour. You know, God rarely calls the equipped, but He always equips the called! He doesn’t expect you to be perfect and fully ready and fully prepared for what He is calling you into next. He just asks that you make yourself available.  “Here I am Lord, use me”. 


If you ever feel a little nervous about leading others, or trying new things, don’t worry, every leader does. Being nervous means that you care. Being a little nervous means it matters to you! 


Gideon was nervous. Especially when he discovered what God was planning. Gideon did his bit, gathering together his army of 32,000 troops and preparing them to attack … but God had a different idea. He said, “Gideon… You have too many troops for Me to hand the Midianite army over to you, or else Israel might elevate themselves over Me and say, ‘I saved myself.’” So God proceeded to whittle down the troops. First from 32,000 to 10,000, and then further down to just 300. 


An army of only 300 men, against the Midianite Army of 135,000? To make poor Gideon even more nervous, God changed the battle plans too! This battle would not be won with soldiers, swords, and shields. Instead, each of the 300 men would go into battle with nothing more than a trumpet, a torch, and a terracotta pot. How was Gideon ever going to win a battle and save Israel with these things? 


You know, I think the greatest lesson we could ever learn and understand is this, especially when times seem tough, 

God’s ways are higher than our ways. God’s thoughts are higher than our thoughts. Isaiah 55:9-10 (paraphrased)

God was going to use the most unlikely leader to win the most unlikely of victories in the most unlikely of ways. 


God doesn’t look at the outward appearance and say, ‘Mmm, look how many friends they have, or how good looking they are, or how influential they are’. God looks at the heart. 


You might look at someone and say they will never be a leader. You may look at yourself and say that. Yet you might just be surprised, by who makes an incredible leader – especially when God is in the mix!


Gideon’s 300 men surrounded the Midianite army’s camp, and on Gideon’s signal, they broke the pots, they revealed their flaming torches, and they blew their trumpets. They shouted … “For the Lord, and for Gideon!” The Midianites were so frightened and confused, they fought against themselves! They couldn’t tell the difference between who was on their side and who wasn’t, and they defeated themselves. No swords or shields required! God used Gideon and 300 men to defeat the mighty Midianite army.

Remember to trust in the Lord. God’s ways are higher than our ways! Don’t judge a book by its cover, God can use … even you! And remember that God is a creative God, who will help us with creative solutions! 


Gideon followed God’s very different and very creative plan and in doing so had an amazing outcome. Don’t be afraid to think outside of the box, get creative and find unique solutions to the challenges that face you.


Gideon was the most unlikely of leaders. Maybe you are too!


God bless,


Pastor Matt Daly

College Chaplain