Senior School

VCE starts in Year 7

As Year 12s prepare to embark upon the final leg of their secondary school journey, some students take the time to look back on the year that has come and gone as they prepare for the last set of assessments and examinations that loom ahead. Some students reflect on the work that was done, others lament the time that was lost, wishing that they had set more time aside to consolidate, revise and prepare. I mentioned in last month’s edition of The Vine that an ATAR will never be the sum of a student’s experience at school, but an ATAR is often a reflection of the work and preparation that was put into the completion of a student’s VCE. 


Ask any VCE student (or teacher), and they will readily tell you that it is often a real struggle to move through all the content in time. As an English teacher, I have often reminded students that you cannot ‘cram for English’, that developing and refining the skills needed to excel in English are developed over time through dedication, preparation, application, and perspiration. I advise students to take note of the order and come to an understanding that preparation preceded application. 


The routines and habits that they have developed will help them to find that sense of application and sets them down the road to success. The pace of a VCE year is frantic at times, often harried and success is the result of the groundwork that was laid down before the late-night study sessions begin. 


To that end, secondary school is a journey that begins in Year 7 and only culminates with VCE. Years 7 through to VCE build upon on the year before. Dropping the proverbial ball in one year means that a student will need to work harder to catch up during the next. The process of learning is a sequence that travels from one year to the next. Year 7 marks the beginning of a crucial period for students to cultivate essential skills that will support their academic journey leading up to the VCE. Establishing effective study habits from Year 7 onwards and building on the habits that drove the successes of the previous year lays a solid foundation for future development.


Year 7 serves as a transitional phase where students transition from primary to secondary education. By focusing on developing effective study habits during these formative years, students can adapt to an increased workload, challenging coursework, and higher expectations as they progress through Years 8, 9, and 10.


Developing strong study habits early on not only leads to immediate academic achievements but also sets the stage for long-term success. Students who acquire discipline, time management skills, and effective study strategies during their early years are better equipped to navigate the demands of the VCE years and beyond. By establishing positive study habits, students can reduce stress and increase their confidence when approaching exams and assessments. A structured study routine and effective study techniques provide a sense of control, enabling students to tackle challenges with greater ease and self-assurance.

How parents can help students  prepare for VCE

Establish a Consistent Routine: Encourage your child to create a consistent study schedule that includes dedicated study times, breaks, and time for leisure activities. Consistency helps develop discipline and enhances time management skills.


Create a Study-Friendly Environment: Designate a quiet, well-lit space for studying that is free from distractions. Ensure your child has access to necessary materials such as textbooks, stationery, and any technology required for their studies. Encourage them to check the resources that their teachers have uploaded on SEQTA to help them learn and revise and help them keep track of their pending assessments.


Encourage Active Learning: Foster active learning techniques such as summarising concepts in their own words, teaching others (I often read out my oral presentations to my pet budgie), or participating in group discussions. Active engagement promotes deeper understanding and retention of information.


Teach Time Management: Help your child prioritise tasks, set achievable goals, and break larger assignments into manageable steps. Learning effective time management skills will serve them well as they progress through their academic journey.


Promote a Balanced Lifestyle: Remind your child about the importance of taking breaks, engaging in physical activity, and getting sufficient rest. A balanced lifestyle enhances focus, concentration, and overall wellbeing, which in turn supports academic success.


By creating a supportive environment and emphasising the value of consistent effort, teachers and parents help to empower students to develop the necessary skills for success in their academic journey, leading up to the VCE years.

Senior School events

There are a number of activities on the Senior School calendar. In the coming weeks, the following information evenings and events are scheduled.

Middle Years Production: Aladdin JR.Thursday 3 – Saturday 5 August
Year 8 CampTuesday 15 – Friday 18 August

Year 9 into 10 Information Night 

(subject selections, Year 9 Camp, 

overview of Year 10 program)

Monday 14 August
Year 9 CampMonday 28 August – Friday 1 September
Year 11 DinnerFriday 1 September

Parent Teacher Interviews

- Face to Face Interviews (on campus)

- Online Interviews


Thursday 7 September

Wednesday 13 September

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10



Mr James Avram

Deputy Principal – Head of Senior School