What Did You Do At School?

We have had a fantastic start to Term 3! In Integrated Studies, we have loved discovering what it means to be a good friend. We have used our incredible acting skills to investigate different social situations and discover the best way to resolve conflict in the playground.
At the Barn, we enjoyed looking for living things hiding in the garden. We found bugs, plants, worms, and even some sneaky spiders! Whilst exploring God’s creation, we reflected on how beautiful our planet is and how important it is to take care of it.
We can’t wait to see what the rest of Term 3 brings!
Year 1
Spread, Wipe, Sprinkle, Place, Fold, Set… all-important verbs to use as we explore and learn how to write different instructional texts. Linking into our Integrated Studies unit on Cultures and Diversity, we all set the table as if we were going to have a meal at home. Some of us used chopsticks, knives and forks, spoons, cups, plates and even a serviette. With our teacher, we constructed an instructional text on, How to Set the Table. You can see in the photos below how proud we are of our efforts.
Year 2
We have had an exciting start to Term 3, as we make a fresh start to a new semester of work.
Our Integrated Studies unit, Celebrating Differences, will immerse us in different cultures’ food, games, music, and traditions. We will explore the meaning of traditions as we build objects and experience cultural traditions.
We have also been introduced to our new Kimochis friends. On the surface, they are a family of cuddly critters and a big bowl of emotions that will assist in establishing and sustaining strong friendships. We look forward to learning more about them throughout the semester.
Year 3
It’s been wonderful to come back to school refreshed after the holidays! In Christian Studies this term, we are excited to learn more about who God is. We have already learnt about God being sovereign (in control over everything) and eternal (never-ending). It has amazed us to learn how God has supreme power over the whole Earth, and when we compare that with our own weaknesses, it encourages us to trust in Him more each day.
God is powerful. Jenavi (3P)
God is a wise teacher. Jivtash (3P)
God has unconditional love. Mawinu (3G)
God is Alpha and Omega. Sianna (3G)
God is magnificent. Joela (3R)
God is creative. Tenzin (3R)
Year 4
This term is going to be a busy one with many special events to look forward to. We have begun learning our part for the Junior School musical and are looking forward to performing later in the term.
We have been expanding our skills when writing instructional texts, adding interesting vocabulary and learning to up-level our work. We are using our growing VCOP skills to analyse our writing, adding new words to connect our ideas and interesting openers to vary the way we start sentences.
We enjoyed looking at all the food items that were donated to the CIRE food drive and creating instructions on how to make a meal with some of them for a family in need. We have some creative chefs in Year 4!
Year 5
While we had an amazing few weeks, our poetry incursion had to be the absolute highlight. It was inspirational to watch Joel McKerrow perform spoken word poetry. Joel showed us that poetry is far more than rhyming couplets. By using rhyme within the lines of our poems, we become masters of the beat. Joel also taught us that ‘creativity is allowing ourselves not to be right.’ He led us through a process where we first created a word bank related to our topic. Then we chose our favourite word to create a word association chain of at least ten words. It was then an easy step to simply write our piece. We look forward in anticipation of applying our knowledge to our poetry unit.
Year 6
Under the incredible direction and support of Mr Clarke, the preparation for the Seussical JR. production has started off with a bang! Every Tuesday afternoon, we have participated in singing, dancing, and following various directions to work with one another to develop our skills in the performing arts. The charisma and spark in our acting skills will surely be an impressive sight to see on the night of the performance.
Furthermore, Mrs Bradshaw and Mr Gaiser are so full of joy in being able to participate in the supervision of these sessions, to see us grow in confidence and shine in areas that we might not normally see in the classroom. It is hard to wipe the smiles off of their faces!