Year 1/2 Report
Year 1/2
Over the past few weeks students in 1/2 have been busy finding out and gathering information on a range of different living things. From our visit to the Melbourne Museum and IMAX we were able to explore many different living things and see how they change and grow over time. Students have also investigated what different living things in our garden need to survive, ranging from what they eat and where they live to their adaptations or ‘special powers’.
Across the next few weeks students will select a living thing they are interested about and explore that organism in greater detail. Literacy and Inquiry lessons will be solely focused around this organism, helping students to build on their knowledge and write an explanation text about the life cycle of their living thing.
In Numeracy, students have begun focusing on multiplication and the strategies they can use to solve simple problems. Students will represent multiplication problems through the use of skip counting, repeated addition, making groups of and arrays.