
Welcome to STEM!


 As we charge through Term 3, we are all engaged and learning about the chemical sciences and how we can work sustainably by being choosy consumers.


The Prep students are exploring their school environment and to learn about the properties of the objects they find there. They are honing their senses to help them describe what they find.


Our Grade 1/2 classes are investigating mixtures, what they look like, where we find them, where we use them, and what we use them for. 


Students in Grades 3 & 4 are unraveling the properties of different fabrics and the types of clothing they are used to construct. They have discussed which materials are best suited for making different objects and are exploring the absorbency of different materials.


The Grade 5/6’s are delving into the mysteries of how substances change. They are detectives employing the Scientific Method to conduct experiments, identifying and explaining the physical and chemical changes that occur in everyday materials. 


Please enjoy these photos of our STEM sessions.

