

Kindergarten 2024


Car park Extension

Assembly - Monday 7 August

Congratulations to the students that received special awards during this week's assembly.

Staff's Student of the week - Eddie

Student's Student of the week - Chaise

Special congratulations to Sophie who placed second in the 12-13 years girl High Jump at the PSSA Zone Athletics carnival held in Armidale.  Sophie will now compete in Tamworth on Wednesday 30 August representing the North West Zone for State selection.



Kindergarten Information Afternoon

An information afternoon for enrolling Kindergarten families was held on Tuesday 1 August.  It is wonderful to welcome two new families to Niangala Public School, while siblings of our existing student cohort will make up the five children that will commence their learning in 2024.

Welcome to the 2024 Kindergarten group - Elsie, Joey, Charney, Chyler and Holly




On Wednesday 2 August, students welcomed Letecia - Primary Health Nurse - from HealthWISE to school. Letecia did a presentation on Oral Health and Hand Hygiene.  The amount of sugar found in our food and drink is staggeringly high and never ceases to horrify staff and students when they count out the teaspoon comparisons. 


Have you ever wondered how clean our hands really are?  Well, Letecia bought her magic spray and light  and showed the children that even though we wash our hands they certainly aren't as clean as we think.  


Car Park Extension

ETE Services have extended the car park at Niangala PS - the extra space has made it safer for vehicles to come and go and it is one measure to try and keep our students safer.


While we have tried to make the car park safer, car parks are dangerous places, particularly for small children that can not be easily seen by drivers.  So to keep all our students safe we do have rules in place.  Here is a recap.


No students are allowed in the car park without holding the hand of an adult or without super close supervision.


Try to limit use of the car park during busy times such as beginning and end of the day or for pick ups for excursions. 


Parents/carers wishing to collect their child / children after school, or for excursion pick ups should park across the road from the bus zone. When the bus has departed parents may collect children from the school front gate.


When using the car park please back in where possible to allow better vision when leaving.