Relieving Principal Report

Mrs Hannah Crawford

What beautiful days we are having. Some cooler mornings and evenings but some of the day time temperatures are just beautiful.


This week in assembly I talked to the students about smiling.  While researching for the topic talk I was rather surprised to see all the benefits that smiling offers to not only ourselves but to those around us. 


 Luckily the students here at Niangala give us lots to smile about, whether it be one of Lindsay's dramatic skits in character, Evie's smile as she solves a problem she has being preserving with, or Chanse's grooving and moving is sure to put a smile on a face. It might be Valerie's contagious laugh, one of Leroy's jokes, or Sophie's little perceptive summaries of a situation.  Maybe it might be seeing Chaise as his smile spreads across his face as he greets the staff in the morning or it could be Eddie as he enthusiastically gives a recount of an amusing event. It's not hard to find something to smile about around here!!