Well with Alice

Wellbeing ABC 

Dear parents,


I hope you are doing well. It's been an unusual week at RHPS and I have been busy supporting those who have reached out. If you or your child needs support now or in the future, please do not hesitate to let me/school/the classroom teacher know and we will make it happen!


Breakfast club

I want to ask 2 favours:

  1. I would really love to have more parent volunteers, even if just for one week per term. All you need to do is come down to the canteen on Wednesdays at 8:15 for max. 1 hour (you can leave earlier if needed) and help me toast bread, butter toast and serve toast. I am especially in need of a volunteer this upcoming Wednesday 23/8/2023. Please let me know via alice.romijn@education.vic.gov.au if you can help me out and make many students happy!
  2. We are running short on strawberry jam, our most popular condiment besides vegemite. Do you have any lying around or would you be able to buy a jar extra and donate it? Thanks in advance from all the students who love their jam toast!

Wellbeing ABC

The J is for... Juggle!


Now don't get me wrong, I don't think we need to literally juggle juggling balls to achieve wellbeing. However, I think we can all relate to the challenge of attaining balance between all the different roles and responsbilities we have. 


Juggling all these different things can be stressful. Therefore, juggling in an effective way will improve wellbeing. Here are some tips that may help:


-Focus on effectively completing one task at a time rather than doing them all at once ineffectively


-Prioritise: create a to-do list and/or schedule so that you know what to do when


-Tackle stress through, for example, breathing, stretching or exercising, listening to music or having a little dance party


-Have good boundaries in place to protect your balance


-Ask for help


-Aim for healthy nutrition and good sleep to fuel yourself to do all these tasks


-Don't try to be perfect. Unexpected things happen, sometimes there is too much to do in too little time and that's okay. Remember the I for Imperfection?