

This week we have been sharing supports across school. It is a good chance to remind people that in school we a school chaplain called Alice that works Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. A referral can be made through Emily Murcott. Alice also runs breakfast club on Wednesday morning before school in the canteen.


We have two therapy dogs on-site all week Alfred and Sooty. We also have wellbeing dog called Coco who attends Monday to Wednesday. We also have a school lizard called Lizzo in the science room. 


Beyond school we have access to a range of student supports through the department. Out staff have access to the Employee Assistance Program. For a range of needs we have accessed them and requested attendance at school this week.


And outside of school there is a new government student wellbeing hub Student Learning Resources | Student Wellbeing Hub


There are also organizations that help support children like Head Space, BeYou and Kids Help Line. 


Please reach out if you would like to talk about supports. You have your teacher or the school leadership team. 


Have a great week.