School News 


What a fantastic week our little fish have had. We have been so proud of how the Preps have managed all of their belongings and the change in routine. One of the best things about the school swimming program is all of the ‘social learning’ that takes place. New friendships have been made, new routines have been mastered and most importantly, we have been able to discuss the importance of water safety. We have also been able to make links to our Inquiry Learning as we have been learning about the role rules play in our day-to-day lives. We have spoken in length about how rules are made to keep us happy and safe and how the different places we visit may have different rules. Swimming has provided us the opportunity to discuss the ‘rules of the pool’ and how they ensure that everyone is safe around the water. 

We would like to say a very big thank you to all of the parents who have supported us at swimming this week. Whether that has been helping the students change into their bathers and get on the bus safely, or jumping in to assist at the conclusion of the lessons, we appreciate you. 

We are looking forward to a slightly quieter week next week before the excitement builds ahead of book week in week 8. Our book week dress up will be on Thursday 31st of August. We will also be hosting a literacy open night on the same day. Until next time, keep swimming!

The Prep Team

Allie Harrison, Alarna Creed, Elyce Munnecke and Sally Newton

Grade 1 & 2

What a big week at the pool we’ve had! Students have had a great week at swimming, albeit they are a little more tired than usual. It has been lovely to see everyone having a go, especially those who feel a bit out of their comfort zone. Thank you so much to our parent volunteers for helping make the changing process easier. Everyone has earned a rest this weekend!

We have had a swimming theme in Reading and Writing this week. Students have made posters, described their feelings about swimming and written a recount. In Reading we have read lots of books about swimming and water and have been learning to identify different types of texts.

In Maths, we have begun learning about directional language and flips, slides and turns.


Enjoy the rest of the week!

The Level 1/2 Team

Llinos Poole, Kayla Hartrick, Ashleigh Wilson, Emma Wright, Sam Younes & Daena Hailey 

Grade 3 & 4

The Grade 3/4s had a fabulous time on their excursion on Tuesday. As part of the ‘It’s Not Rocket Science’ workshop, Eastland and URstrong put on a fun filled day for the students. Combining learning around science and wellbeing, students embarked on a trail hunt, learnt about rockets and participated in a Friendology session focussed on respect. After lunch, the excitement continued with a trip to the movies to see ‘Elemental’. It was wonderful to see the smiles on the students’ faces and how well they all represented the school in a public place. We were very proud of them!


Just a reminder that next week is swimming week. Please ensure all clothing and possessions are labelled and that students bring a bag with a towel, drink bottle, etc. We’re in for another busy week!


The Level 3/4 Team

Carolyn Allan, Tim Wilson, Hayley Peirce & Sarah Jones

Grade 5 & 6

It's been another busy fortnight in level 5/6 with the finishing off of Learning tasks and the beginning of new topics this week.

In Reading, we have completed the analysing of poetry where the students were comparing poems with elements such as perspective, themes and figurative language. This week we have analysed different types of procedural texts including recipes, maps and instructions. 

In Writing, we finished our poetry unit of work. The students planned, drafted, edited and published their poem for the Learning Task. We have begun learning about the structure and text features of a procedure. They have planned and drafted a procedure of choice, ensuring they demonstrated the use of action verbs and adverbs. 

Inquiry has included experiments into states of matter and light refraction as we explore the different scientific discoveries that have shape the world as we know it today. 

In Maths, we are learning about numbers patterns with all four operations as well as fractions and decimals. Students have began learning about simple algebra, balancing equations and an introduction to BODMAS. 

Take a look at the card below for an explanation of what this means for your learners.

Just a reminder that next week is swimming week. Please ensure all clothing and possessions are labelled and that students bring a bag with a towel, drink bottle, etc. We’re in for another busy week!


The Level 5/6 Team

Damien Smith, Megan Pepprell, Brendan Van Haaster and Millie Pinney