Year Two

Dear Year Two Families,
What a start to Term 3 we have had in Year Two. The students have finished their third Unit of Inquiry with the Central Idea, 'People care for the places they are connected to.' The students have discussed the importance of taking care of places that are important to them as well as the people and animals it impacts.
In Reading the Year Two students have been exploring the comprehension strategy of synthesising. Students have explored what a synthesis is explaining 'it is using our old knowledge, joining with new knowledge to create ideas'(Dylan, 2E). They have used a process to organise their information when synthesising. First the students write what they know, their prior knowledge before they read. During reading they write down any new knowledge they have gained. Finally, after reading they write they new connections and ideas they have created. In Reading, students have re-exploring readers theatre in their classroom. This allows students to take on the persona of someone else and let their ability to perform shine.
In Writing, the students have begun to look into recounts. They have discussed that a recount is writing about something that has already happened, recounting the event. We have been concentrating on the 5W's and 1H as well as sequence of events using ordinal language and paragraphs.
In Maths the Year Two explored money. for weeks 1 and 2. In money the students discussed the difference between cents and dollars as well as coins and notes. Many students have taken an interest in international currencies. We have practiced receiving change and how different amounts of money are made.
Over the last two weeks students have explored into the concept of time. We have discussed o'clock and half past times. 'O'clock is when the minute is facing the twelve and the hour hand is on the time it is' Emma Ward 2E. We have learnt about quarter past, quarter two and minutes past the hour.
In Inquiry we have begun our 4th Unit of Inquiry
CI and lines of Inquiry. Through this unit students will be exploring a variety of toys and games, as well as how they have changed over time. As apart of our Provocation Day students had the opportunity to engage with toys from the past, present and future. Students will have the opportunity to use their coding skills while using sketch jnr.
In preparation for our Unit of Inquiry 5 a permission slip has been distributed through XUNO for the students to visit the RAAF museum. It will be a cost of $12 and if you participated in swimming you may have your $11 credit.
Year 2 Assembly Presentation
This week at assembly the Year 2 cohort had the opportunity to share our learning with our school community at the assembly. The students discuss what we learnt about during our Unit of Inquiry 3 and showed their posters.
Assembly Awards
Congratulations to Abdullah Zubair in 2D for being a risk taker in his writing and Emma Ward in 2E for being balanced in her learning.
Attendance is paramount for each students learning. For an individual student they are missing out on learning, cementing friendships and events that maybe occurring. Their absence also impacts their classmates as they are unable to learn from them or with them and the teacher is able to support them more with their learning areas.
- School begins at 8:30am, with continuous entry from 8:20am. Please be on time promptly at 8:30am.
- Late arrivals (8:40am onwards) require a late pass from the office.
- Absences- If your child is away, please remember to upload your reasons on XUNO; please reach out to the office or your classroom teacher if you need support doing this.
- Students are to completing their homework every week.
- Students should also be reading their 'take home readers' or a just right book each night.
- Please remember to bring in a fully charged iPad to school each day.
- Remember to bring a water bottle with fresh water each day.
- Remember to bring a waste-free lunch on Wednesday for the school waste-free Wednesday!