School Success Starts with Attendance
Being at school every day makes a huge difference!
School Success Starts with Attendance
Being at school every day makes a huge difference!
Dear Parents/Carers,
Thank you for your continued support during these first few weeks at school. In this weeks newsletter, we want to address how school attendance has a direct impact on your child's engagement.
As you are aware, consistent school attendance is fundamental to a child's academic success and overall well-being. When students attend school regularly, they are more likely to feel connected to their learning environment, build meaningful relationships with peers and teachers, and develop a positive attitude towards education. However, school disengagement can often manifest itself in irregular attendance, which may hinder your child's progress and enthusiasm for learning.
Here are some helpful tips to assist with this issue:
Now let's see which class has demonstrated the highest attendance this fortnight!
Congratulations to the following classes -
PE - 96%
1J - 95%
2H - 93%
3D - 96%
4A - 98%
5D - 94%
6B - 95%
7A - 96%
8E - 92%
Congratulations to 4A who won our whole school attendance trophy. 4A will keep hold of the attendance trophy until our next whole school assembly. We are excited to see who will win the attendance trophy next.
By nurturing consistent attendance and engagement, we can provide your child with a strong foundation for a fulfilling educational journey. Together, let's continue to create a positive and enriching environment where every student can thrive.
Thank you for your ongoing support and partnership.