The children in Middles participated in Basketball Victora’s Hooptime Day at the Melbourne Swimming and Aquatic Centre on August 4. The group was split into five separate teams and participated in a number of competitive games against other schools such as Brighton and Malvern Primary Schools. It was a fun day full of teamwork, perseverance, and lots of cheering and excitement.
One of our teams, the Jaguars managed to make the semi-finals and missed out on playing in the Grand Final by one point, which they conceded with only seconds to go!! The team was very disappointed but should’ve been very proud, especially considering the fact that they were playing against children from much bigger schools.
We must also thank all the parents and carers who came along to coach and score. The day really would not have been able to go ahead without all the support and assistance they provided. We really appreciate their help and the giving of their time.
Here’s what some of the children had to say about the day:
“It wasn’t just about playing basketball because when we weren’t playing we got to know our team-mates better because talked to each other and played games. We also cheered and encouraged our other teams, especially in their final. Overall, it was a really fun day". Joshua Wright
“We played four or five teams and most of the people we played against showed great sportsmanship. When we had a break we ate our snacks and did some basketball drills. The stadium was a very good environment to play in because we had so much room to play around, especially during our breaks".
Elise Jones
“When we weren’t playing we watched the other games and we really supported our other teams".
Liam Keogh
“I played in the Jaguars team and we got to play in the semi-finals. We were coached by Hamish’s nanna, Janinna. I wore number 7".
Zelia Barker