Class/ specialist | Student Name | Award | Reason |
Prep | Alexa | Responsible Learner | Alexa has been an amazing responsible learner this week. She is consistently making good choices and works hard to be a great role model for the other children in her class. Way to go Alexa! |
Junior G | Xavier | Responsible Learner | Xavier has been a responsible learner as he strives to create a fair and collaborative environment. He makes responsible choices in group work and always demonstrates good sportsmanship, fairness and a positive attitude during collaborative tasks. Well done, Xavier! |
Junior A | Harry | Responsible | Harry has consistently demonstrated responsibility within the classroom over the past week. He has been making responsible choices to support his learning and has made thoughtful contributions to class discussions across all subject areas. Well done, Harry! |
Middle L | Pascal | Responsible | Pascal has been an amazing helper in Middle L. Pascal, you are constantly finishing your work to an amazing standard and always asking what you can do to help the class. Whether that is tidying the room, or working with your friends, or making responsible decisions - you are always willing to help! Well done, Pascal! |
Middle J | Billie | Responsible | For always helping to take care of the classroom and offering support to your classmates when they are in need. You can always be relied on to take on extra jobs and work well with whoever you are paired with. Thank you for being such an excellent helper Billie! |
Senior B | Havana | Responsible | For your active listening skills during our Kids Helpline Webinar. You were very respectful of the presenter and contributed lots of thoughts and ideas to the session, as well as asking thoughtful questions. You took the session seriously and you were a great role model to your peers. Well done! |
Senior L | Tommy Mayne | Resilient | For your perseverance during mathematics during our unit on Geometric Reasoning. I enjoyed watching you attempt challenging questions about angles in a triangle and quadrilateral and help your peers when they needed help. You are continuously respectful to everyone during this time and will always help out when needed. Way to go, Tommy! |
Visual Arts | Gabriel Caputo | Determined | For always working purposefully and independently in all his Art lessons. He asks clever questions and makes some decisions himself regarding what’s next. His art work and creativity are impressive, as is his self regulation as a learner. Well done Gabriel and keep up the great effort. |
Visual Arts | Noah Ryan | Creative | For his growing confidence in his Art Lessons. He is showing an improved understanding of how to construct a picture and how to apply paint to achieve his desired outcome. He is now willing to take a risk with his work and make some decisions on his own as to what is next. Well done Noah and keep up the great effort |
PE | Middle L | Curious Learners | Applying themselves so well during our first tennis lesson. They listened to the instructions, persisted with the many tasks and skill activities. They also co-operated and collaborated well with each other, showing courtesy and respect. As a result, I saw their skills improve before my very eyes. Well done. |
STEM | Samantha Keogh
Daniel Persichilli | Determined Learner | Being creative, determined and hard working collaborator during our second engineering session on catapults. Working with your partner, you persevered and worked effectively and efficiently to create a wonderful catapult made from pencils and rubber bands, which not only looked great, but also worked really well. |
Class/ specialist | Student Name | Award | Reason |
Prep | Grace | Proactive Learner | Grace has demonstrated some amazing independent writing skills this week. Well done for completing a wonderful recount Grace. Keep up the great work! |
Junior G | Zara G | Collaborative | Zara I am so impressed by your determination during inquiry. You have been working so well in small groups to take turns and share ideas. You worked so well as a group to create your newspaper shoes. Keep up the amazing work Zara! |
Junior A | Isaac | Determined | Isaac demonstrated determination during our Inquiry lessons on Ancient Egypt last week. He worked hard to make a pyramid out of lego and was very focused and determined to write his name in hieroglyphics. Well done Isaac! |
Middle L | Miles | Curious Learner | For demonstrating a curious mind in all of our writing lessons. Miles, you have shown curiosity through asking and answering questions throughout our Informative Texts unit and you are always striving to learn and grow! I am so impressed with your determination. Keep up the amazing work! |
Middle J | Oscar | Collaborative | For the amazing job you have done helping with the Kinder visits this past week. I have heard excellent things about the care you take to make the children feel comfortable and have fun. You have a gift for working with younger children and making them feel included. Well done Oscar and keep it up! |
Senior B | Elliot | Creative Learner | For your creative print ad and voiceover recording. Your ad on Canva for bendy rulers looked professional and had a great slogan which targeted to your chosen audience. Your voiceover recording could have been a real radio ad! It was very persuasive and you spoke clearly and articulately. Well done! |
Senior L | Kaelan | Determined | For your determination throughout last week in all of your tasks. You have seen so much success in your personal goals along with learning goals and myself and Miss Brittany are so proud of you! Keep up all the fantastic effort, Kaelan! It definitely does not go unnoticed! |
Visual Arts | Senior B | Determined Learners | Senior B excelled last week at all the aspects of being successful learners. They were organized, focussed, respectful and showed lots of determination and perseverance with our sculptural task. They acted on feedback given and used their time really well. I was so impressed with all of their effort and keep it up. |
PE | Middle L | Collaborative Learners | Collaborating with a partner and others in the class respectfully during our tennis session that involved hand eye coordination drills and practicing hitting the ball accurately and controlling our shots. |
STEM | Marisa Caputo and Zach Wright | Determined Learner | Being creative, determined and hard working collaborator during our second engineering session on catapults. Working with your partner, you persevered and worked effectively and efficiently to create a wonderful catapult made from pencils and rubber bands, which not only looked great, but also worked really well. |
Chinese | Kabo Rakate | Determined Learner | Consistently demonstrating strong determination in learning the Chinese language about the colours, and persisting even when encountering difficulties! |
Chinese | Marisa Caputo | Responsible Learner | Displaying remarkable determination towards learning the Chinese language, regardless of the topic being taught, and striving to maintain a high standard of excellence in all your work! |