
Welcome to the Sunny Heights sustainability page. 

During term 2, a determined group of grade 5 students expressed their interest in adding plants to the weed-filled vegetable gardens near Lachlan Road. The gardens had been neglected for a while due to a variety of reasons and they needed a fresh start.  The students were keen to begin planting and wanted to see the school invest time in sustainable practices. Luckily the soil in the garden beds had been replenished during last year and the beds were just in need of some TLC. And so from this interest, the Eco Warriors was created; a bunch of like-minded kids who enjoy getting their hands dirty and saving the planet.


Our group has now grown and students from all across the school join our grade 5 leaders during playtime to tend the patch and plan for a greener future. If you have a child who would be interested in joining us please see Aasta in the Art studio or on email for more details.

New Beginnings - the patch is renewed.

Started weeding.
Our first planting!
More weeding.
Started weeding.
Our first planting!
More weeding.
Our seedling donations.
Look how much they have grown!
Our seedling donations.
Look how much they have grown!


Thank you to the Azi Family for their donation of seedlings. 

Thanks also go out to Jim and Helen at D&H Hardware of 70 Glengala Road, for their donations and pledge of ongoing support for the students and the gardens. If you need any hardware be sure to swing by.