David's Message

Sail into a universe of possibilities...

Around 25 years ago I had to interview my gran for a school History assignment about the Second World War. I found out about rationing, air raids, my father being sent to the countryside in Gloucestershire as an evacuee, and how they grew as much of their own food as possible. What surprised me was how, despite the bombs and impacts on communities, everyone just got on with life. Snap forwards to our own global challenge; a pandemic that has, once again, taken us away from each other for a short time. The reality is, we also have to simply carry on... we will continue to shop, cook, eat, we will continue to laugh, cry and especially we will continue to learn. In the not too distant future we will return to school, and at some point in our future this will all be a distant memory we can reminisce over. 


In the meantime, the things we can do to support our children and each other is to be emotional scientists. To be curious about how we are feeling, what our emotions are and what is causing them. The more nuanced we can be with our vocabulary about our emotions, the better we can understand them. Francine has posted some amazing resources about the Zones of Regulation on SeeSaw - these are great activities that both your child and you can look through to help manage and grow our emotional literacy and our Wellbeing during these challenging times. 


Charlie Mackesy
Charlie Mackesy

Finally, thank you to each of the parents who shared their thoughts and feeling about our school at parent teacher interviews. Our school leaders asked almost half of our parents what they thought about the school, how we should send our resources in the future and what they love. I'd like to share the Word Cloud that has been created from all the things that you love about our school. It certainly matches with everything I know and love about the school as well!