Junior Production

Written by Hussain and Harish

On Wednesday 23rd of June, the Junior Production was held in the school hall. All of the Junior students (Foundation and 1/2) performed a piece from “Colour Catastrophe”. Students in each of the classes were given a specific song and dance to rehearse. Rehearsing took place in Remote Learning where students watched videos of the dances and learned the lyrics to the songs. "Colour Catastrophe" is a theatre production about colours going missing in an Art Gallery. Two detectives per class then go on a search for the colours. The colours from each of the classes in the production:

FD: Yellow

FJ: Pink

FH: Orange

1/2H: Blue 

1/2J: Red 

1/2W: Gold

1/2G: Purple

1/2SV: Silver

1/2Y: Green

Student Voice:

  • Jess - “I think the Junior Production is fun and I am really excited for it.”
  • Nolan -“I liked it because there was a lot of acting”.
  • Amatullah - “I thought it was awesome because there was a lot of dancing.”
  • Oliver -“I liked it because it was easy to learn and the song I sang was Pink Cadillac.”
  • Tilly -“I liked it because it was cool.”
  • Archer - "It was good and very exciting to perform in front of everyone.”