Healesville Sanctuary Excursion

Written by Dheer and Miles

During Week 4 and Week 5 students from the Discovery and Inquiry Centre were lucky enough to visit Healesville Sanctuary. As their Guided Inquiry unit was based on Native Animals and their habitats it provided a great opportunity for students to see the Native Animals in person. Students had the chance to feed the emus, watch a bird show and even catch a sighting of a dingo. They also were able to see the really cute koalas. Students packed their recess and lunch and were able to enjoy eating their food whilst hearing all the animals in their habitats.

It was a great experience for all the Junior students and we are sure they will have many great memories from this excursion to look back on. 

Student Voice 

  • Rebekah - "I loved the Snakes and Dingoes."
  • Braxton -  "I loved the Koalas and Snakes."
  • Sam - "I loved the Bird Show."
  • Owen - "I loved the Wedge-tail Eagle."