Kindergarten News

Written by: The Kinder Team

Well Term Two has been huge at Kinder, with the children being permitted to attend through lockdowns leading to consistency and the continuation of learning. 

We have had some wonderful moments this term with the School sports carnival, learning about Autumn, creating our Art show pieces, kinder photos and visits to our garden being highlights! 


Our four year old classes had a wonderful session of buddies with the Year Four students this term. Building connections and a community of learning is one of the incredible ways we support transitions and a deep sense of belonging at MPRPS&K. The children engaged in literacy, fine motor and extended their confidence and identity skills through this planned activity. We are looking forward to two more sessions next term as well. 

We have been busy scaffolding and extending our classes after the disruption of last year, working closely as a team to respond to learning needs and to develop targeted strategies and practice that meets the needs of our current cohort of students. As part of this, we have been busy completing Mid Year assessments, looking at each child through the lens of school readiness and child development, this contributes to a targeted and focused SemesterTwo at Kinder. 

In Wimbi, we have been busy exploring and developing new skills in creating friendships and expressing our thoughts and ideas in play. This has led to busy sessions, co-operating and engaging with construction, art, dramatic play and many fun group times! The children particularly enjoyed the dramatic play doctors area, with some incredibly kind and somewhat over enthusiastic doctors prescribing and administering all sorts of medicines and vaccines! 

We hope that all of our families have a wonderful break and find some moments to recharge and connect with family and friends over the holidays.


The Kinder team.