Faith & Family

Family Educator News                

Alpha Online

It was great to see our parents hop online for our Alpha session and to connect with you all.  Next week Alpha will start at 10.00 am to allow more time for morning remote learning routines.  If you are still interested in joining us, email me on and I will send you the links to the first two videos. 

Parent Resources:

If you are looking for an alternative to some of the mainstream gaming worlds that offers peace of mind, Lightgliders is an online world offering faith based adventures and kingdoms for ages 6-12.   Multiple players can join and play for a small monthly subscription.  



This is a great little video to walk you through the daily examen for children.  The examen prayer is a wonderful, Ignatian practice that nurtures mindfulness and peace. 


Dear Galilee Families

Managing the juggle of remote learning, anxieties around lock down and your own household and workplace responsibilities from home can be challenging.  Tantrums and meltdowns are completely normal (both theirs and ours!). Here are some helpful suggestions to manage it (see below).  Most of all, be gentle with yourselves and remind yourself daily that we are just all doing our best to navigate these challenges. 

I'm keeping you all in prayer.

 Laura Neeson, Family Educator